




◎註3:該項經濟條件是以最低基本工資的二十四倍計算,因此若最低基本工資調 整,該金額即隨之調整。

■ 北部辦公室


To our dear friends who care about Immigrants’ Human Rights,

International marriages change the structure of population in Taiwan. The participation of the immigrant women from Southeast Asia and Mainland China gives Taiwan society a chance to learn how to respect and appreciate the diversified world.

But, you probably are not aware that it is very difficult for the spouses from Southeast Asia and Mainland China to apply for the identification card and become Taiwanese. They must overcome several obstacles including having a medical inspection, staying in Taiwan for a certain period of time, abandoning original nationality, proposing financial proof and passing Chinese proficiency exam. The one that troubles the international marriage families most is the requirement of the financial proof. The family should hand in a proof which proves that they have NTD. 400,000 , or the receipt for withheld amount for income tax purpose declares they earn double of the minimum wage each month, or the proof states they own the real estate which is worth NTD. 5,000,000. Many international marriage families are forced to borrow money from agents and are exploited by the loan sharks. This makes the ordinary families even worse. In fact, the immigrant women have been living in Taiwan for more than three years. They bear and educate children, take care of the parents-in-law and work hard. But this is not enough for the government. Before they are able to hand in the proof, the immigrant women are not protected by the basic rights and the social welfare. Moreover, they are the “aliens” who might be deported anytime.

The financial proof blocks the women from becoming Taiwanese. It also declares the serious discriminations of class and race in Taiwan society. It does not only make things difficult for the immigrant women but also imply the disrespect for farmers and workers. The government justifies its action by saying that other Western countries also do the same. However, this is not the truth. The truth is that, the financial requirement for immigrants in Western countries does not apply to marriage immigrants. Even if some countries ask for financial proof, it is to request native spouses to prove they are able to take care of the immigrant spouses. This process is done before the immigrant spouses come to the country. Countries like Canada provide comprehensive rights and care. They do not ask for financial proof of NTD. 400,000 to naturalize after the immigrant spouses have settled down and had children.

In recent four years, the Alliance for Human Rights Legislation for Immigrants and Migrants (AHRLIM) lobbies the Executive Yuan, Legislative Yuan and some legislators to delete this article. Unfortunately, their responses are perfunctory and careless. Therefore, we hope that the public can pay attention and care about the issue with us. Let us unite to work out and realize a strategy and pressure the government into responding our demand for changing the financial requirement.

Contact Imformation:
TransAsia Sisters Association, Taiwan
■ Taipei Office
Fax: 02-2517-5464
Tel: 02-2515-99430921-086794
Email: tasat.taipei@msa.hinet.net

■ Kaohsiung Office
Fax: 07-681-9563
Tel: 07-681-7292.681-8948.0921-086074
Email: sisters.asso@msa.hinet.net







    第 十七 條  外國人有下列情形之一者,得禁止其入國:


    第二十三條  外國人在我國合法連續居留七年,或居住臺灣地區設有戶籍之國民,其外國籍之配偶、子女在我國合法連續居住五年或該配偶、子女在我國合法居住十年以上,其中有五年每年居住超過一百八十三日,並符合下列要件者,得向主管機關申請永久居留:



外國人或無國籍人,現於中華民國領域內有住所,並具備下列各款要件  者,得申請歸化:



第七條   本法第三條第四款所定有相當之財產或專業技能,足以自立,或生活保障無虞,其規定如下:


 () 最近一年於國內平均每月收入逾行政院勞工委員會公告基本工資二倍者。

  () 最近一年於國內金融機構儲蓄存款,逾行政院勞工委員會公告基本工資二十四倍者。

               () 其他經內政部認定者。





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